Journal for November 11, 2022

Testing more HTML

Paragraph inside of div. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and all that jazz. I'm trying to type a bunch of text in order to test the wrapping. I'm gonna insert a line break after this sentence.
See? Told ya.
Now after this one I'm gonna do another paragraph.

Here's paragraph 2. Didn't believe me, huh? Well it's here. Paragraph 2, breathe it in. Feel it in your blood, in your veins.

I'm sorta worried that I don't really do enough to warrant journals like this. I'm worried that I won't actually have enough free time to fill these pages with interesting stuff. I've tried to fill journals in the past and it hasn't really worked. I usually get like a few pages in and only commit for like a week or two and make a few entries and then drop it cause I'm too lazy. Hopefully that doesn't happen here.

However, getting the formatting right for this page actually makes me feel good. Like I'm making some actual progress, and if this place actually looks good to me I'll want to use it more and fill it with content.

Maybe that'll work.

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